Stelios Ieronymides & Associates LLC
The Law Company (Firm) is run by Stelios leronymides LL.B, LL.M, a former elected Deputy Mayor of Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus and former Member of Parliament.
The Firm over the years has established itself as one of Cyprus’ major legal Offices in company and commercial works, and is one of the largest Firms in the field of formation, registration and administration of International Business Corporates according to the official Governmental records in Cyprus. We also maintain representation, contacts and associates in Moscow, Kiev, London, Athens, Riga, Tallin, Geneva, Zurich and other thirteen countries worldwide.
The Firm provides extensive legal services for domestic and international clientele, with efficient, effective, fast and quality advice, offering English, Russian, French, Greek and Latvian speaking personnel to meet the needs and requirements of the clients as the case may be.
The Firm’s clientele include trading companies, Banks, airlines, financial institutions, ship-owners and property owners and other individuals.
Cyprus, a member of the European Union is one of the very developed International Business centres in the world maintaining the lowest taxation all over Europe with 12.5% on the clear profits where in some instances goes down to 0%.
Our Law Company being at the forefront of these developments established among others a number of management companies i.e S.I. CYLAW SERVICES LIMITED, S.I. CYLAWSERVICE (NOMINEES) LIMITED, PLAN TRUST SERVICES LIMITED as well as other such companies and fiduciaries, regulated by Cyprus Bar Association, in order to provide services of nominee directorship, secretarial and related management services of the entities in accordance with the clients requirements. We also established a dynamic tax-planning and accounting department for advice and the needs of our clientele.